Graphik is a Backend as a Service implemented as an identity-aware document & graph database with support for gRPC and graphQL



git clone [email protected]:graphikDB/graphik.git

docker pull graphikdb/graphik:v1.3.0

Graphik is a Backend as a Service implemented as an identity-aware, permissioned, persistant document/graph database & pubsub server written in Go.

Support: [email protected]

Problem Statement

Traditional relational databases are powerful but come with a number of issues that interfere with agile development methodologies:

  • database schema setup requires application context & configuration overhead
  • database schema changes are often dangerous and require skilled administration to pull off without downtime
  • password rotation is burdensome and leads to password sharing/leaks
  • user/application passwords are generally stored in an external store(identity provider) causing duplication of passwords(password-sprawl)
  • traditional database indexing requires application context in addition to database administration

Because of these reasons, proper database adminstration requires a skilled database adminstration team(DBA).

This is bad for the following reasons:

  • hiring dba's is costly
  • dba's generally have little context of the API accessing the database(only the intricacies of the database itself)
  • communication between developers & dba's is slow (meetings & JIRA tickets)


Traditional non-relational databases are non-relational

  • many times developers will utilize a NOSQL database in order to avoid the downsides of traditional relational databases
  • this leads to relational APIs being built on non-relational databases

Because of these reasons, APIs often end up developing anti-patterns

  • references to related objects/records are embedded within the record itself instead of joined via foreign key
    • as an API scales, the number of relationships will often grow, causing embedded relationships and/or multi-request queries to grow
  • references to related objects/records are stored as foreign keys & joined client-side via multiple requests(slow)

Traditional non-relational databases often don't have a declarative query language

  • declarative query languages are much easier to build via graphical tooling for since a single query "console" is generally the only requirement.
  • without a declarative query language, interaction with the database often involves complicated forms on a user-interface to gather user input.
  • declarative query languages open up database querying to analysts, operators, managers and others with core competencies outside of software programming.

Traditional non-relational databases often don't support custom constraints

  • constraints are important for ensuring data integrity
  • for instance, you may want to apply a constraint to the "age" field of a user to ensure it's greater than 0 and less than 150
  • this leads to developers enforcing constraints within the applications themselves, which leads to bugs


No awareness of origin/end user accessing the records(only the API/dba making the request)

  • database "users" are generally expected to be database administrators and/or another API.
  • 3rd party SSO integrations are generally non-native
  • databases may be secured properly by the dba team while the APIs connecting to them can be insecure depending on the "origin" user

This is bad for the following reasons:

  • dba teams falsely assuming their database resources are secured due to insecure APIs
  • api teams falsely assuming their api resources are secured due to insecure database administration


  • a loosely typed Graph database with built in identity awareness via a configured identity provider(Google, Microsoft, Okta, Auth0, etc)
    • relational-oriented benefits of a SQL database
    • non-relational-oriented productivity benefits of a NOSQL database
  • zero password management- this is delegated to the configured identity provider
  • schema-optional for productivity gains - constraints enforce custom constraints when necessary
  • "identity graph" which creates automatically creates connections between users & the database objects the create/modify
    • index-free-adjacency allows insanely fast relational lookups from the POV of the origin user
  • fine-grained authorization model to support requests directly from the origin user/public client(user on browser, ios app, android app, etc)
    • enforce role-based-access-control based on attributes found on the profile of the user manged by the identity provider
  • graphQL API to support a declarative query language for public clients(user on browser, ios app, android app, etc), data analysts, and database administrators
  • gRPC API for api -> database requests - gRPC tooling server side is more performant & has better tooling
    • auto-generate client SDK's in most languages (python, javascript, csharp, java, go, etc)
  • database schema operations managed via integration with state of the art change management/automation tooling - terraform


  • 100% Go
  • Native gRPC Support
  • GraphQL Support
  • Native Document & Graph Database
  • Index-free Adjacency
  • Native OAuth/OIDC Support & Single Sign On
  • Embedded SSO protected GraphQl Playground
  • Persistant(bbolt LMDB)
  • Identity-Aware PubSub with Channels & Message Filtering(gRPC & graphQL)
  • Change Streams
  • Extended Common Expression Language Query Filtering
  • Extended Common Expression Language Request Authorization
  • Extended Common Expression Language Constraints
  • Extended Common Expression Language Server Side Triggers
  • Loosely-Typed(mongo-esque)
  • Horizontal Scalability/HA via Raft Consensus Protocol
  • Prometheus Metrics
  • Pprof Metrics
  • Safe to Deploy Publicly(with authorizers/tls/constraints/cors)
  • Read-Optimized
  • Full Text Search Expression Macros/Functions(startsWith, endsWith, contains)
  • RegularExp Expression Macros/Functions(matches)
  • Geographic Expression Macros/Functions(geoDistance)
  • Cryptographic Expression Macros/Functions(encrypt, decrypt, sha1, sha256, sha3)
  • JWT Expression Macros/Functions(parseClaims, parseHeader, parseSignature)
  • Collection Expression Macros/Functions(in, map, filter, exists)
  • String Manipulation Expression Macros/Functions(replace, join, titleCase, lowerCase, upperCase, trimSpace, trimPrefix, trimSuffix, render)
  • URL Introspection Expression Macros/Functions(parseHost, parseScheme, parseQuery, parsePath)
  • Client to Server streaming(gRPC only)
  • Terraform Provider for Schema Operations & Change Automation
  • Command Line Interface
  • Multi-Node Kubernetes Manifest
  • Mutual TLS(optional)

Key Dependencies



please note that the following flags are required:

  • --root-users
  • --open-id
      --allow-headers strings             cors allow headers (env: GRAPHIK_ALLOW_HEADERS) (default [*])
      --allow-methods strings             cors allow methods (env: GRAPHIK_ALLOW_METHODS) (default [HEAD,GET,POST,PUT,PATCH,DELETE])
      --allow-origins strings             cors allow origins (env: GRAPHIK_ALLOW_ORIGINS) (default [*])
      --debug                             enable debug logs (env: GRAPHIK_DEBUG)
      --environment string                deployment environment (k8s) (env: GRAPHIK_ENVIRONMENT)
      --join-raft string                  join raft cluster at target address (env: GRAPHIK_JOIN_RAFT)
      --listen-port int                   serve gRPC & graphQL on this port (env: GRAPHIK_LISTEN_PORT) (default 7820)
      --open-id string                    open id connect discovery uri ex: (env: GRAPHIK_OPEN_ID) (required) 
      --raft-max-pool int                 max nodes in pool (env: GRAPHIK_RAFT_MAX_POOL) (default 5)
      --raft-peer-id string               raft peer ID - one will be generated if not set (env: GRAPHIK_RAFT_PEER_ID)
      --raft-secret string                raft cluster secret (so only authorized nodes may join cluster) (env: GRAPHIK_RAFT_SECRET)
      --require-request-authorizers       require request authorizers for all methods/endpoints (env: GRAPHIK_REQUIRE_REQUEST_AUTHORIZERS)
      --require-response-authorizers      require request authorizers for all methods/endpoints (env: GRAPHIK_REQUIRE_RESPONSE_AUTHORIZERS)
      --root-users strings                a list of email addresses that bypass registered authorizers (env: GRAPHIK_ROOT_USERS)  (required)
      --storage string                    persistant storage path (env: GRAPHIK_STORAGE_PATH) (default "/tmp/graphik")
      --tls-cert string                   path to tls certificate (env: GRAPHIK_TLS_CERT)
      --tls-key string                    path to tls key (env: GRAPHIK_TLS_KEY)

gRPC Client SDKs

User Interface

Please take a look at the following options for stategate user-interface clients:

  • OAuth GraphQL Playground: A graphQL IDE that may be used to connect & interact with the full functionality of the stategate graphQL API as an authenticated userth GraphQL Playground: A graphQL IDE that may be used to connect & interact with the full functionality of the stategate graphQL API as an authenticated user

Implemenation Details


  • Ref == direct pointer to an doc or connection.
message Ref {
  // gtype is the type of the doc/connection ex: pet
  string gtype =1 [(validator.field) = {regex : "^.{1,225}$"}];
  // gid is the unique id of the doc/connection within the context of it's type
  string gid =2 [(validator.field) = {regex : "^.{1,225}$"}];
  • Doc == JSON document in document storage terms AND vertex/node in graph theory
message Doc {
    // ref is the ref to the doc
    Ref ref =1 [(validator.field) = {msg_exists : true}];
    // k/v pairs
    google.protobuf.Struct attributes =2;
  • Connection == graph edge/relationship in graph theory. Connections relate Docs to one another.
message Connection {
  // ref is the ref to the connection
  Ref ref =1 [(validator.field) = {msg_exists : true}];
  // attributes are k/v pairs
  google.protobuf.Struct attributes =2;
  // directed is false if the connection is bi-directional
  bool directed =3;
  // from is the doc ref that is the source of the connection
  Ref from =4 [(validator.field) = {msg_exists : true}];
  // to is the doc ref that is the destination of the connection
  Ref to =5 [(validator.field) = {msg_exists : true}];

Identity Graph

  • any time a document is created, a connection of type created from the origin user to the new document is also created
  • any time a document is created, a connection of type created_by from the new document to the origin user is also created
  • any time a document is edited, a connection of type edited from the origin user to the new document is also created(if none exists)
  • any time a document is edited, a connection of type edited_by from the new document to the origin user is also created(if none exists)
  • every document a user has ever interacted with may be queried via the Traverse method with the user as the root document of the traversal


  • an access token Authorization: Bearer ${token} from the configured open-id connect identity provider is required for all database functionality
  • the access token is used to fetch the users info from the oidc userinfo endpoint fetched from the oidc metadata url
  • if a user is not present in the database, one will be automatically created under the gtype: user with their email address as their gid
  • once the user is fetched, it is evaluated(along with the request & request method) against any registered authorizers(CEL expression) in the database.
    • if an authorizer evaluates false, the request will be denied
    • authorizers may be used to restrict access to functionality by domain, role, email, etc
    • registered root users(see flags) bypass these authorizers
  • authorizers are completely optional but highly recommended

please note:

  • setAuthorizers method overwrites all authorizers in the database
  • authorizers may be listed with the getSchema method

Authorizers Examples

  1. only allow access to the GetSchema method if the users email contains coleman AND their email is verified
mutation {
  setAuthorizers(input: {
    authorizers: [{
      name: "getSchema",
      method: "/api.DatabaseService/GetSchema",
      expression: "'coleman') && this.user.attributes.email_verified"
      target_responses: true
  1. only allow access to the CreateDoc method if the users email endsWith AND the users email is verified AND the doc to create is of type note
mutation {
  setAuthorizers(input: {
    authorizers: [{
      name: "createNote",
      method: "/api.DatabaseService/CreateDoc",
      expression: "'') && this.user.attributes.email_verified && == 'note'"
      target_responses: false

Secondary Indexes

  • secondary indexes are CEL expressions evaluated against a particular type of Doc or Connection
  • indexes may be used to speed up queries that iterate over a large number of elements
  • secondary indexes are completely optional but recommended

please note:

  • setIndexes method overwrites all indexes in the database
  • indexes may be listed with the getSchema method

Secondary Index Examples

  1. index documents of type product that have a price > 100
100" target_docs: true target_connections: false }] }) } ">
mutation {
  setIndexes(input: {
    indexes: [{
    	name: "expensiveProducts"
			gtype: "product"
			expression: "int(this.attributes.price) > 100"
			target_docs: true
			target_connections: false

you can search for the document within the new index like so:

query {
	searchDocs(where: {
		gtype: "product"
		limit: 1
		index: "expensiveProducts"
		docs {
			ref {
  "data": {
    "searchDocs": {
      "docs": [
          "ref": {
            "gid": "1lw7gcc5yQ01YbLcsgMX0iz0Sgx",
            "gtype": "product"
          "attributes": {
            "price": 101,
            "title": "this is a product"
  "extensions": {}


  • constraints are CEL expressions evaluated against a particular type of Doc or Connection to enforce custom constraints
  • constraints are completely optional

please note:

  • setConstraints overwrites all constraints in the database
  • constraints may be listed with the getSchema method

Constraint Examples

  1. ensure all documents of type 'note' have a title
mutation {
  setConstraints(input: {
    constraints: [{
    	name: "noteValidator"
			gtype: "note"
			expression: "this.attributes.title != ''"
			target_docs: true
			target_connections: false
  1. ensure all documents of type 'product' have a price greater than 0
0" target_docs: true target_connections: false }] }) } ">
mutation {
  setConstraints(input: {
    constraints: [{
    	name: "productValidator"
			gtype: "product"
			expression: "int(this.attributes.price) > 0"
			target_docs: true
			target_connections: false


  • triggers may be used to automatically mutate the attributes of documents/connections before they are commited to the database
  • this is useful for automatically annotating your data without having to make additional client-side requests

Trigger Examples

  1. automatically add updated_at & created_at timestamp to all documents & connections
mutation {
	setTriggers(input: {
		triggers: [
				name: "updatedAt"
				gtype: "*"
				expression: "true"
				trigger: "{'updated_at': now()}"
				target_docs: true
				target_connections: true
				name: "createdAt"
				gtype: "*"
				expression: "!has(this.attributes.created_at)"
				trigger: "{'created_at': now()}"
				target_docs: true
				target_connections: true
  "data": {
    "setTriggers": {}
  "extensions": {}

User Interface

Please take a look at the following options for stategate user-interface clients:

  • OAuth GraphQL Playground: A graphQL IDE that may be used to connect & interact with the full functionality of the stategate graphQL API as an authenticated user

GraphQL vs gRPC API

In my opinion, gRPC is king for svc-svc communication & graphQL is king for developing user interfaces & exploring data.

In graphik the graphQL & gRPC are nearly identical, but every request flows through the gRPC server natively - the graphQL api is technically a wrapper that may be used for developing user interfaces & querying the database from the graphQL playground.

The gRPC server is more performant so it is advised that you import one of the gRPC client libraries as opposed to utilizing the graphQL endpoint when developing backend APIs.

The graphQL endpoint is particularly useful for developing public user interfaces against since it can be locked down to nearly any extent via authorizers, cors, constraints, & tls.


Graphik supports channel based pubsub as well as change-based streaming.

All server -> client stream/subscriptions are started via the Stream() endpoint in gRPC or graphQL. All messages received on this channel include the user that triggered/sent the message. Messages on channels may be filtered via CEL expressions so that only messages are pushed to clients that they want to receive. Messages may be sent directly to channels via the Broadcast() method in gRPC & graphQL. All state changes in the graph are sent by graphik to the state channel which may be subscribed to just like any other channel.

Additional Details

  • any time a Doc is deleted, so are all of its connections

Sample GraphQL Queries

Get Currently Logged In User(me)

query {
  me(where: {}) {
    ref {
  "data": {
    "me": {
      "ref": {
        "gid": "[email protected]",
        "gtype": "user"
      "attributes": {
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "email_verified": true,
        "family_name": "Word",
        "given_name": "Coleman",
        "hd": "",
        "locale": "en",
        "name": "Coleman Word",
        "picture": "",
        "sub": "105138978122958973720"
  "extensions": {}

Get the Graph Schema

query {
  getSchema(where: {}) {
    authorizers {
      authorizers {
		constraints {
			constraints {
		indexes {
			indexes {
  "data": {
    "getSchema": {
      "doc_types": [
      "connection_types": [
      "authorizers": {
        "authorizers": [
            "name": "testing",
            "expression": "\"coleman\")"
      "constraints": {
        "constraints": [
            "name": "testing",
            "expression": "\"coleman\")"
      "indexes": {
        "indexes": [
            "name": "testing",
            "expression": "this.attributes.primary_owner"
  "extensions": {}

Set a Request Authorizer

mutation {
  setAuthorizers(input: {
    authorizers: [{
      name: "testing",
      method: "/api.DatabaseService/GetSchema",
      expression: "'coleman') && this.user.attributes.email_verified"
      target_responses: true
  "data": {
    "setAuthorizers": {}
  "extensions": {}

Create a Document

mutation {
  createDoc(input: {
    ref: {
  		gtype: "note"
    attributes: {
      title: "do the dishes"
    ref {
  "data": {
    "createDoc": {
      "ref": {
        "gid": "1lU0w0QjiI0jnNL8XMzWJHqQmTd",
        "gtype": "note"
      "attributes": {
        "title": "do the dishes"
  "extensions": {}

Traverse Documents

# Write your query or mutation here
query {
  traverse(input: {
    root: {
      gid: "[email protected]"
      gtype: "user"
    algorithm: BFS
    limit: 6
		max_depth: 1
		max_hops: 10
    traversals {
      doc {
        ref {
      traversal_path {

Traverse Documents Related to Logged In User

query {
	traverseMe(where: {
		max_hops: 100
		limit: 5
		traversals {
			traversal_path {
			doc {
				ref {
  "data": {
    "traverseMe": {
      "traversals": [
          "traversal_path": null,
          "depth": 0,
          "hops": 0,
          "doc": {
            "ref": {
              "gid": "[email protected]",
              "gtype": "user"
          "traversal_path": [
              "gtype": "user",
              "gid": "[email protected]"
          "depth": 1,
          "hops": 1,
          "doc": {
            "ref": {
              "gid": "1lU0w0QjiI0jnNL8XMzWJHqQmTd",
              "gtype": "note"
  "extensions": {}

Change Streaming

subscription {
	stream(where: {
		channel: "state"
		user {
  "data": {
    "stream": {
      "data": {
        "attributes": {
          "title": "do the dishes"
        "ref": {
          "gid": "1lUAK3uwwmhQ503ByzC9nCvdH6W",
          "gtype": "note"
      "user": {
        "gid": "[email protected]",
        "gtype": "user"
  "extensions": {}

Broadcasting a Message

mutation {
  broadcast(input: {
    channel: "testing"
    data: {
      text: "hello world!"
  "data": {
    "broadcast": {}
  "extensions": {}

Filtered Streaming

subscription {
  stream(where: {
    channel: "testing"
		expression: " == 'hello world!' && this.user.gid.endsWith('')"
		user {
  "data": {
    "stream": {
      "data": {
        "text": "hello world!"
      "user": {
        "gid": "[email protected]",
        "gtype": "user"
  "extensions": {}


Regardless of deployment methodology, please set the following environmental variables or include them in a ${pwd}/.env file



add this docker-compose.yml to ${pwd}:

version: '3.7'
    image: graphikdb/graphik:v1.3.0
      - .env
      - "7820:7820"
      - "7821:7821"
      - default:/tmp/graphik
          - graphikdb


then run:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml pull
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

to shutdown:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down --remove-orphans


Given a running Kubernetes cluster, run:

curl >> k8s.yaml && \
  kubectl apply -f k8s.yaml

to view pods as they spin up, run:

kubectl get pods -n graphik -w

graphik plugs into kubernetes service discovery

Mac/OSX (Homebrew)

brew tap graphik/tools [email protected]:graphikDB/graphik-homebrew.git

brew install graphik

brew install graphikctl

Open ID Connect Providers




  • metadata uri: https://${yourOktaOrg}/.well-known/openid-configuration See More


  • metadata uri: https://${YOUR_DOMAIN}/.well-known/openid-configuration See More


Term Definition Source
Application Programming Interface(API) An application programming interface (API) is a computing interface that defines interactions between multiple software intermediaries. It defines the kinds of calls or requests that can be made, how to make them, the data formats that should be used, the conventions to follow, etc.,the%20conventions%20to%20follow%2C%20etc.
Structured Query Language(SQL) a domain-specific language used in programming and designed for managing data held in a relational database management system (RDBMS), or for stream processing in a relational data stream management system (RDSMS). It is particularly useful in handling structured data, i.e. data incorporating relations among entities and variables.
NOSQL (originally referring to "non-SQL" or "non-relational") database provides a mechanism for storage and retrieval of data that is modeled in means other than the tabular relations used in relational databases
Graph Database Very simply, a graph database is a database designed to treat the relationships between data as equally important to the data itself. It is intended to hold data without constricting it to a pre-defined model. Instead, the data is stored like we first draw it out - showing how each individual entity connects with or is related to others.
Identity Provider An identity provider (abbreviated IdP or IDP) is a system entity that creates, maintains, and manages identity information for principals and also provides authentication services to relying applications within a federation or distributed network.
OAuth2 The OAuth 2.0 authorization framework enables a third-party
Open ID Connect(OIDC) application to obtain limited access to an HTTP service, either on behalf of a resource owner by orchestrating an approval interaction between the resource owner and the HTTP service, or by allowing the third-party application to obtain access on its own behalf.
Open ID Connect Provider Metadata OpenID Providers supporting Discovery MUST make a JSON document available at the path formed by concatenating the string /.well-known/openid-configuration to the Issuer.
gRPC gRPC is a modern open source high performance RPC framework that can run in any environment. It can efficiently connect services in and across data centers with pluggable support for load balancing, tracing, health checking and authentication. It is also applicable in last mile of distributed computing to connect devices, mobile applications and browsers to backend services.
graphQL GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. GraphQL provides a complete and understandable description of the data in your API, gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more, makes it easier to evolve APIs over time, and enables powerful developer tools.
Client-Server Model Client–server model is a distributed application structure that partitions tasks or workloads between the providers of a resource or service, called servers, and service requesters, called clients.
Publish-Subscribe Architecture(PubSub) In software architecture, publish–subscribe is a messaging pattern where senders of messages, called publishers, do not program the messages to be sent directly to specific receivers, called subscribers, but instead categorize published messages into classes without knowledge of which subscribers, if any, there may be. Similarly, subscribers express interest in one or more classes and only receive messages that are of interest, without knowledge of which publishers, if any, there are.
Database Administrator Database administrators ensure databases run efficiently. Database administrators use specialized software to store and organize data, such as financial information and customer shipping records. They make sure that data are available to users and secure from unauthorized access.,and%20secure%20from%20unauthorized%20access.
Raft Raft is a consensus algorithm designed as an alternative to the Paxos family of algorithms. It was meant to be more understandable than Paxos by means of separation of logic, but it is also formally proven safe and offers some additional features.[1] Raft offers a generic way to distribute a state machine across a cluster of computing systems, ensuring that each node in the cluster agrees upon the same series of state transitions.
Raft Leader At any given time, the peer set elects a single node to be the leader. The leader is responsible for ingesting new log entries, replicating to followers, and managing when an entry is considered committed.
Raft Quorum A quorum is a majority of members from a peer set: for a set of size N, quorum requires at least (N/2)+1 members. For example, if there are 5 members in the peer set, we would need 3 nodes to form a quorum. If a quorum of nodes is unavailable for any reason, the cluster becomes unavailable and no new logs can be committed.
Raft Log The primary unit of work in a Raft system is a log entry. The problem of consistency can be decomposed into a replicated log. A log is an ordered sequence of entries. Entries includes any cluster change: adding nodes, adding services, new key-value pairs, etc. We consider the log consistent if all members agree on the entries and their order.
High Availability High availability (HA) is a characteristic of a system which aims to ensure an agreed level of operational performance, usually uptime, for a higher than normal period.,increased%20reliance%20on%20these%20systems.
Horizontal Scaleability Horizontal scaling means scaling by adding more machines to your pool of resources (also described as “scaling out”), whereas vertical scaling refers to scaling by adding more power (e.g. CPU, RAM) to an existing machine (also described as “scaling up”).,as%20%E2%80%9Cscaling%20up%E2%80%9D).
Database Trigger A database trigger is procedural code that is automatically executed in response to certain events on a particular table or view in a database
Secondary Index A secondary index, put simply, is a way to efficiently access records in a database (the primary) by means of some piece of information other than the usual (primary) key.,the%20usual%20(primary)%20key.
Authentication vs Authorization Authentication and authorization might sound similar, but they are distinct security processes in the world of identity and access management (IAM). Authentication confirms that users are who they say they are. Authorization gives those users permission to access a resource.,permission%20to%20access%20a%20resource.
Role Based Access Control(RBAC) Role-based access control (RBAC) is a method of restricting network access based on the roles of individual users within an enterprise. RBAC lets employees have access rights only to the information they need to do their jobs and prevents them from accessing information that doesn't pertain to them.,doesn't%20pertain%20to%20them.
Index Free Adjacency Data lookup performance is dependent on the access speed from one particular node to another. Because index-free adjacency enforces the nodes to have direct physical RAM addresses and physically point to other adjacent nodes, it results in a fast retrieval. A native graph system with index-free adjacency does not have to move through any other type of data structures to find links between the nodes.
Extended Common Expression Language An extensive decision & trigger framework backed by Google's Common Expression Language
  • How to startup outside of Docker?

    How to startup outside of Docker?


    I have just compiled the Windows version up and would like to start it on a Windows machine to play around with a bit.

    What is the command line invocation for the node?

    Also, I downloaded the GraphQL IDE for windows

    but it does not start up as well.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated so that I can test things out more. Thanks in advance

  • automatic raft peer discovery in Kubernetes environment

    automatic raft peer discovery in Kubernetes environment

    When deployed in a kubernetes cluster, provide a flag to autodiscover peer nodes to bootstrap raft cluster without manual intervention.

  • Removing gRPC Client Libraries from Linguist

    Removing gRPC Client Libraries from Linguist

    This .gitattributes file will tell Linguist/GitHub to ignore the /gen/grpc directory, thus preventing GitHub from reporting that this repo is 39.6% C# and 36.1% Javascript

  • does not authenticate per new instructions

    does not authenticate per new instructions


    I was trying to follow the steps with docker-compose to run GraphikDB to test, but it does not authenticate:



    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Help Needed: Outstanding Core Questions?

    Help Needed: Outstanding Core Questions?

    Hope that your weekend is going well and was just wondering if you might have some time this weekend to help me get going with GraphikDB?

    I think that if you might be able to answer a few questions that I have then I will try not to bother you further.

    There are a couple additional questions that I can ask on the site, but my biggest ones are:

    1. How can I login with some type of local "Root" or "Admin" account without having to use some authenticator service?

    This a critical since I may use an Authenticator service (Auth0, etc..) later for users, but for me as the Admin I need local administrative access. (i.e. Login/Password type)

    1. Does GraphikDb have a built-in admin web server UI like RethinkDB, etc. (which offers a web admin page on http://localhost:8080 when started) to server some web pages for monitoring the database and cluster as well as for user queries and information?

    2. How well does it cluster? I am working towards a P2P based project for a database system using GraphikDB and am hoping that it scales well.

    These are the most critical questions that I really need help with to get going and truly would appreciate any information that you could provide.

    I can tell you more about my project if you are interested since after all of my Internet searching, I still think that GraphikDB may offer the best base to build the project out.

    Best Regards, and have a great day, my friend.

  • Max nodes?

    Max nodes?


    I was looking at the FLAGS section in the documentation on the main page and saw a flag:

    --raft-max-pool int max nodes in pool (env: GRAPHIK_RAFT_MAX_POOL) (default 5)

    What is the maximum number of nodes that can be supported by Graphik?

  • Adding SuperTokens?

    Adding SuperTokens?


    I am having problems with trying to get Auth0 to work and do not know how to set it up properly, but wanted to find out how hard it would be to add in SuperTokens ( as another way to get authorized?

    Also, as I am just trying to do some basic testing I am wondering if just using some type of local login/password approach would also be possible since I cannot get past the required .env variables to get them setup correctly.

    Would like to be able to start up a couple of Graphik nodes to do some testing.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in Advance

  • General Design Question

    General Design Question

    Hi All,

    Hope that everyone is going well today.

    I am working on a type of P2P eCommerce store system such that various merchants can run a small single-app node (application) which will effectively join in a cluster of nodes that will store data across nodes and balance data as needed.

    The user application could be an independent application that makes calls to a cluster node, or alternatively if the node has a web UI already built in then perhaps that could be modified to just work within that local node. I'm still trying to determine the best approach here, but maybe an independent node and independent application UI (i.e. external web service) would be a good approach.

    Ultimately I need stability and horizontal scaling as more nodes come online but at the same time some nodes may drop offline and that data should be still available and accessible from within the cluster from an API call.

    Currently, I am investigating Graph database solutions and am trying to determine which offers the simplest implementation while still being able to potentially handle millions of graph nodes and edges while also easily allowing me to add more API functionality (Golang payment processing libraries, User & Merchant Authentication, Searching libraries, etc.) by extending the existing graph database API so that the external application just makes simple API calls.

    The systems that I have so far seem to hold the most promise for are:

    1. GraphikDB ----
    2. Dgraph ----
    3. Nebula ----

    Each brings similar graph database functionality to the table but also each is a bit different and unique in their own way so I am trying to get some information and a feel for which might be best to start with for a P2P eCommerce based solution that can grow over time to handle massive physical nodes as well as massive graphs and user/merchant data.

    Any feedback or ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    Best Regards and have a great day

  • Fix Dockerfile

    Fix Dockerfile

    • Remove use of wildcard/astericks characters when copying go binary from the build stage

      After I pulled the image from the remote image repository and attempted to run your project locally, I found the container was unable to start up successfully.

    $ docker pull graphikdb/graphik:v0.10.0
    v0.10.0: Pulling from graphikdb/graphik
    Digest: sha256:96e05b6211c72750d8f089ae44222c56adfefe6dba6f277187cd7102b3e1e56c
    Status: Image is up to date for graphikdb/graphik:v0.10.0
    $ docker run -it graphikdb/graphik:v0.10.0
    docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:370: starting container process caused: exec: "/usr/local/bin/graphik": stat /usr/local/bin/graphik: no such file or directory: unknown.

    After inspecting the Docker related files and the individual intermediate containers, I discovered the copy statement was copying and renaming the binary to '*' on the destination container. It appears Docker will recursively copy all files to the destination if a directory is specified in the source. If you explicitly tell docker to only copy a single file, then it will only copy that single file.

    After updating the Dockerfile and rebuilding the image, the container will now recognize the appropriate binary path.

    $ docker run -it xyzst/graphik sh
    {"level":"error","ts":1608531801.165519,"msg":"empty open-id connect discovery --open-id","host":"8816e46234e0","service":"graphik","version":"0.10.0","usage":"open id connect discovery uri ex: (env: GRAPHIK_OPEN_ID) (required)","goroutines":1}
  • response authorizers

    response authorizers

    execute “response” authorizers on all data sent from server to client to introduce a way to block the server from returning data that the client isn’t authorized to see

  • Please Help on the Login steps

    Please Help on the Login steps

    Hello @autom8ter and @xyzst,

    I can compile and start up the server on my Windows 10 but cannot login as the steps are unclear to me.

    I do not know what is needed to login can also cannot find the embedded GraphQL port for Graphik but that may have been removed in v1.3.0 if I have read the changes correctly.

    I tried to start up graphikdb:

    C:\GraphikDB>graphik_windows_amd64.exe --root-users [email protected] --open-id

    Which gives:

    {"level":"info","ts":1642809340.7829285,"msg":"starting raft server","host":"DESKTOP10","service":"graphik","version":"1.2.0","address":"[::]:7821","goroutines":5}
    {"level":"info","ts":1642809340.7829285,"msg":"starting metrics/admin server","host":"DESKTOP10","service":"graphik","version":"1.2.0","address":"[::]:7821","goroutines":7}
    2022-01-21T18:55:40.889-0500 [INFO]  raft: initial configuration: index=1 servers="[{Suffrage:Voter ID:955d45fb83659460ecbd7a8ec29878ee3070724d Address:[::]:7821}]"
    2022-01-21T18:55:40.889-0500 [INFO]  raft: entering follower state: follower="Node at [::]:7821 [Follower]" leader=
    {"level":"info","ts":1642809340.8906586,"msg":"starting http server","host":"DESKTOP10","service":"graphik","version":"1.2.0","address":"[::]:7820","goroutines":19}
    {"level":"info","ts":1642809340.8916578,"msg":"starting gRPC server","host":"DESKTOP10","service":"graphik","version":"1.2.0","address":"[::]:7820","goroutines":22}
    2022-01-21T18:55:42.838-0500 [WARN]  raft: heartbeat timeout reached, starting election: last-leader=
    2022-01-21T18:55:42.838-0500 [INFO]  raft: entering candidate state: node="Node at [::]:7821 [Candidate]" term=7
    2022-01-21T18:55:42.850-0500 [INFO]  raft: election won: tally=1
    2022-01-21T18:55:42.850-0500 [INFO]  raft: entering leader state: leader="Node at [::]:7821 [Leader]"
    {"level":"info","ts":1642809348.9709435,"msg":"finished unary call with code Unauthenticated","host":"DESKTOP10","service":"graphik","version":"1.2.0","grpc.start_time":"2022-01-21T18:55:48-05:00","system":"grpc","span.kind":"server","grpc.service":"api.DatabaseService","grpc.method":"SetIndexes","error":"rpc error: code = Unauthenticated desc = Request unauthenticated with Bearer","grpc.code":"Unauthenticated","grpc.time_ms":0}

    when I try to connect using a GraphQL playground using: http://localhost:7820

    Please help?

  • whitepaper


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    • motivation
    • design goals
    • openID connect integration
    • storage implementation
    • secondary index implementation
    • index-free adjacency implementation
    • traversal algorithm implementations
    • identity graph implementation
    • control plane proposal
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